Ultra Toric

With OpticAlign™ design

For a digital lifestyle

Available in 6 Lens Pack

Monthly Disposable

Available Powers :

Sph: 0.00D to -6.00D (in 0.25 D steps) -6.50D to -9.00D (in -0.50 D steps)

Cyl: -0.75D, -1.25D, -1.75D, -2.25D, -2.75 available with lead time 5

Axis:10° to 180° in 10° increments

Material :

A proprietary combination of unique silicones results in unsurpassed oxygen transmissibility and low modulus hence providing comfortable lens wear and superior eye health

Design :

OpticAligntm design: offers stable, consistently clear vision and spherical aberration control optimized in both axes to help reduce halos and glare.


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